The Best Time to Manifest With The Moon

If you've patronised The Love Witch, you'd know that we are huge fans of Moon Magick. Here's a quick summarised guide to working with the moon and how each phase boosts your manifestations.

New Moon:

The moon is "invisible" and is a really good time for reflection. This is when you can set new intentions as though you are planting a seed.

Waxing Crescent Moon: 

The moon is slowly getting bigger at this point. You can take it as though your intentions are getting into motion. Do growth related spells during this period to nurture your intentions.

First Quarter Moon: 

As the moon grows, so are your intentions. Continue doing growth related spells and in your daily life, make decisions that would honour your intentions. E.g. If your goal is to accumulate $10000, don't gamble your money away.

Waxing Gibbous Moon: 

You're reaching the full moon steadily. It's time for you to reflect on your intentions and think about what more you can do to boost them. 

Full Moon: 

The Full Moon is good for "harvesting" intentions that have already been seen through or to continue nurturing and boosting your current intentions. Typically, we would burn a figure candle during this time. 

Waning Gibbous Moon: 

This is the moment you let go of any doubts, insecurities, worries, etc. Do releasing and letting go rituals to help you release any negativity surrounding your intentions.

Third Quarter Moon: 

Your intentions are slowly transitioning into what you want to see. It's best to do banishing rituals to remove anyone/anything that is coming between you and your dream life

Waning Crescent Moon: 

As the moon "disappears" again, envision all your problems, worries and doubts disappearing too. Continue doing banishing and releasing spells ~

It's not compulsory to follow the moon cycles but instead take it as a guide especially if you're more moon sensitive. 
