Why Your Valentine’s Day Love Spell Didn’t Work (And What to Do Instead)

Why Your Valentine’s Day Love Spell Didn’t Work (And What to Do Instead)

If you manifested really hard, did lots of spells and rituals and still didn't get a Valentine this year then this blog is just for you. 

Before you start doubting everything, take a deep breath. There's many reasons why your wish didn't materialise. Firstly, ask yourself these questions:

1. Did you set clear intentions?

All spells, especially love spells, require precise and focused intentions. If you were vague or uncertain about what kind of love/partner you want, the Universe might have struggled to align with your desires. Instead of generically asking for a Valentines, focus on attracting the right person who aligns with your energy and values

2. Did you try to force free will?

If you have a target, one of the reasons why your love spell didn't manifest is because you're attempting to control another person's will. It is close to impossible to bend someone's free will and it's also unethical. Forcing someone to love you goes against the natural energy flow. Instead of casting spells on a specific person, try doing spells that attract love in general, which will allow the right person to come into your life

3. Do you have to work on yourself first?

Magick works best when you are energetically aligned with your desires. If you have self-doubt, emotional blockages or are recovering from a previous heartbreak, the negative energies from these "obstacles" can interfere with your spellwork. Try doing self-love rituals, shadow work and healing spells before trying another love spell

4. Did you trust the Universe?

The Universe can smell desperation, impatience and doubt which can weaken the efficacy of your manifestations. If you felt any of those feelings, you might have accidentally blocked the magick from fully manifesting. Manifestation flows best when you trust, release and let go of the outcome

5. The Universe has a better plan for you

Sometimes, it just wasn't meant to be because the Universe has something better in store for you. If your love spell didn't work, it may be because the timing isn't right for y'all or you were just not meant to be with this person or you're not ready to meet someone yet. Trust that what's meant for you will NEVER pass you <3

Not all spells manifest instantly but that doesn't mean they aren't working. The most important thing is to keep your energy up, trust the process and remember that your perfect match is out there :))
