How Our Mass Rituals Work

Mass rituals are made affordable rituals offered to the public, yet also consist of strong energies from conjoint beliefs, intentions and goals from the bigger number of participants that when one participates they can also reap such benefits.
To highly reap the benefits of the mass rituals, it is recommended that a simple pre-work can be done before the date of the ritual— such as, doing a simple candle work to put out intentions to the Universe, and/or by looking and setting intentions into the ritual videos posted on Instagram.
The mass rituals are usually doused with our in-house ritual oils (and occasionally never-seen before ones too), appropriate magickal herbs that contain certain consciousness and properties, and a witch’s acumen in the right timings and putting such intentions out to the Universe.
Occasionally, there may also be deity work involved in Mass Rituals which also helps to boost extra blessings.
Participants can expect photos & videos of the rituals after everything has been sorted out and concluded, as well as sometimes a channelled message (if there is). There is no one ritual or personalised spell better than the other. Some prefer to participate in mass rituals to boost their overall individualized intentions.