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1 支充能红骷髅蜡烛
- 改善目标对你的浪漫想法和看法,例如承诺、增强感情以及对你更好的对待。
- 减少对爱情和人际关系问题的苛刻感受和消极情绪。
- 将你的目标的名字和出生日期刻在头骨顶部的蜡烛上。如果没有可用的,只需在蜡烛旁边放一张目标的打印照片。
- 你的意图很重要。一旦你开始点燃灯芯,通过观察它来将你的思想置于火焰中。
- 最好涂上Make You Love Me Oil 和Fastest Luck Oil并在one setting中燃烧.
Copyright © 2025 by The Love Witch SG
All rights reserved. No part of this product writeup may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise without the prior written permission of The Love Witch SG.

just burn it, waiting for it to work
I did this for a situationship .
Didn’t work well . I think works only if target likes you otherwise unlikely to work
But for other products for other love interests ; the other products they were amazing
Eg oil and candles
Works best only if target likes you
For “ dead case “ or unrequited love , best to let go
There is reason why it doesn’t work out
Loyal customer
I placed on a small burning tray ended up my tray is filled with the wax so it melted the whole Skull but didn't complete the burn so it only took 3 hours & the candle wick sinked in the wax so I guess it's a failed burned.
Have been a returning customer of TLW and I kid you guys not, their items are MAGICK! My purchases are always backed up by a tarot reading and guidance by Ali. When I lit this red skull candle, I was going through quite a tumultuous time with my partner. I put my clearest intention on it when I first lit the candle wick and went on to do my stuff. I did think of my intention every other time I happen to look at the candle again. It was during the last couple of hours of the candle burning that my partner suddenly texted me as per normal out of the blue like as if we were not kind of in an argument right before that!
It's been 2 weeks since the burn and I was told and I do firmly believe that the energy of my intention is out there. It will continue manifesting for a long time. Will be back for more amazing updates!!!
I first bought this candle when it got released back in November. I didn't have high hopes as I have a rather stubborn target. However, after about 1.5 months, I feel that it is slowly working! My target has been treating me nicer than before, paying more attention to me and our communication has improved too! Thank you The Love Witch team!