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1 个拼写的银色还愿书
- 希望扭转或改变看似消极的事件转变为积极的结果。
- 在结果尚未最终确定但您不相信它对您有利的情况下很有用(例如应用程序)。
- 在特定情况下最有用,尤其是与行政或金钱相关的问题
- 您的 意图很重要。一旦你开始点燃灯芯,通过观察它来将你的思想置于火焰中。
- 最好涂上Fastest Luck Oil并燃烧一个设置 .
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Copyright © 2025 by The Love Witch SG
All rights reserved. No part of this product writeup may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise without the prior written permission of The Love Witch SG.

Hi there !! This is my 2nd time buying this same candle. I used this candle for my family problem and serious police case... My husband was ordered to serve 2 yrs jail term by State Court. After this, I was getting more worried abt his well being due to high blood pressure and eczema. After 1 to 2 weeks, prison superintendent reduce his prison jail term to 1yrs 4 mth... After 2 mth later, he will be released very soon but will be on leg tagging with curfew. But don't know when. So he is still in changi prison while wait for update from prison.. I will be reunited with him. Very happy but sadly all my kids are still in Foster care under MSF due to no family support and zero money saving.. Their court case hearing will be in this mth Nov soon. I hope for them to be return back to us... I was called up for further police investigation again. More worried tt I will be charged for this. Really hope for warning or police advisory without jail term... Will buy candle from you again !!
I bought this candle after a tarot session with Jamie. There were some problems I faced at work and when after I burnt this candle, I was offered to stay in the company with a better pay. Thank you so much!