Lunar vs Solar Eclipse - Which is better for manifesting?

Lunar vs Solar Eclipse - Which is better for manifesting?

We experience two main types of eclipses every year - Solar and Lunar. For each of them, we usually recommend doing similar yet different things to help you manifest better. I bet you're wondering, what even is the difference between Solar and Lunar eclipses? 

The upcoming Full Moon (on 25th March) will be a Lunar Eclipse. Full Moons in general are best for letting go of things that don’t serve you and so are Lunar Eclipses. A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Earth gets between the Sun and Moon and so it casts a shadow on the latter. 

The Moon symbolizes your subconscious mind, emotions and intuition. It is a good time for emotional healing, inner reflection and letting go of negative people/situations that do not serve you. It is the perfect time for transformation and growth. Just like how the Moon “disappears” temporarily during an eclipse, use this period to make the negative people, habits, situations and beliefs disappear from your life to make way for new beginnings that will help you grow. 

As we mentioned before, as the energy is especially potent for transformation and growth rituals, our Charged Blue Candles - which is good for healing and transformation (paired with our Transformation Oil) and our Charged Black Candles - which is good for banishing and removing (paired with our Banishing Oil) would be your best friends for this period of time. 

Solar Eclipses are when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, temporarily blocking out the Sun’s light. The Sun symbolizes vitality, joy, success and new beginnings. It is a good time to step out into the light and start taking the necessary steps to making your dreams a reality. Just like how the Sun’s light “disappears” temporarily during an eclipse, use this period to let yourself come out of the dark and start embarking on the journey to materializing your desires. 

As we mentioned earlier, as the energy is especially potent for new beginnings and success related rituals, our Charged Yellow or Orange Candles (paired with our Transformation Oil) and the respective figure candles paired with the oils best suited for your situation (e.g. Lovers Candle with Love Root Oil - please do not hesitate to head to our store, email, Whatsapp or IG DM us if you need recommendations)

Don’t forget to cleanse your spaces with Sage and Palo Santo to remove stagnant/negative energies and replace them with positive energies. It is also important to sit down and think about what intentions you want to manifest, along with the necessary steps you have to take to make these desires reality.

If you wish to drop by our store, we are located at Sim Lim Square #02-28. Alternatively, you can visit our website at

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