财神爷 - 财富与新机遇之神
财神爷 - 财富与新机遇之神
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财神爷 - 财富与新机遇之神
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Mammon 非常慷慨、睿智、富有同情心、随和、耐心且谦虚。他偏爱那些为实现梦想而努力的人,并把更多的财富投给他们。他也很注意举止得体,不喜欢不尊重他的人;缺乏尊重不会得到任何好处。他经常微笑,容光焕发,仁慈,安抚那些在他的宫殿里拜访他的人。当他有客人时,他非常好客,并为他们举办盛大的宴会。财神也非常享受人们花钱时的快乐,他非常重视与他人分享财富。他促进了所有人的富足和机会。
- 来自公开收入来源的巨额财富
- 带来有助于财富积累的新机会
- 保护收入流和积累的财富
- 可以增加个人财富的更好投资机会
- 帮助引导一个人通过更明智的选择赚更多的钱
- 金蜡烛
- 甜花香或金雨香
- 黄色或白色花朵
- 任何货币或价值的金币/珠宝
- 金片
- 伏特加/杜松子酒
- 甜点酒、开胃酒、白葡萄酒莫斯卡托
- 杜松子
- 洋甘菊花
- 鹅肝/牛排
>> 如何使用
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So far communication with him has been really clear. Manifestations have not worked out yet but im staying patience. I feel more at ease working with him and Goddess Brigid at the same time manifesting for business and wealth. Both are equally assuring and both gave me similar responses to my questions. Hoping for smoother days!
Did a ritual from the love witch and was told by Bambi from the ritual that to invite King Mammon and work with him and watch random opportunities pop up. I listen to it and go get King Mammon portal and invite him into my life. and recently I won small amount from the lottery! Thank you, Bambi and teams :)
I appreciate King Mammon's presence very much. It's a blessing to get the portal. Thank you!
Have received it...thanks Bambi